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Showing posts from April 23, 2009

Linux User Survey

The most popular distro is Mandriva, with 17.9% of the respondents using it, followed by Suse, with 16.2%. The most popular application is Firefox, with 47.9% of the respondents using it, followed by OpenOffice, with 31.6% and Thunderbird, with 12.0%. Also appended below is a table with the break-down of the survey participants by country. Top Distros 1 Mandriva 17.9% 2 Suse 16.2% 3 Fedora 11.1% 4 Debian 7.7% 5 Red Hat 6.8% 6 Xandros 5.1% 7 Slackware 5.1% 8 Ubuntu 3.4% 9 Centos 3.4% 10 Mepis 3.4% 11 Gentoo 3.4% 12 Knoppix 2.6% 13 Linspire 1.7% 1...

Extracting RPM

Sometimes we are required to extract files inside an RPM file without installing it. For example is when we take binaries from one distribution and use it on another distribution, where RPM is not the default package manager. The rpm2cpio command comes in handy. Check out the given example below ... $ rpm2cpio coreutils-6.9-2.fc7.i586.rpm | cpio -idv ./bin/basename ./bin/cat ./bin/chgrp .... ... [.. etc ] Now you can use the extracted files

Prevent Users From Changing their Passwords

Mostly /usr/bin/passwd command has the following SUID permission (Given Below) -r-s--x--x 1 root root 19348 Jan 12 2008 /usr/bin/passwd The numerical value of the file permission translates to 4411. Whenever a SUID file is executed, the process that runs it, is granted access to the system resources based on the user who owns the file and not the user who created the process. So, we need to remove the SUID for that command, so that the normal users are denied the privileges of updating the file. To do so we use the following command chmod u-s /usr/bin/passwd - OR chmod 511 /usr/bin/passwd

Splitting Large File into Smallers ones

Splitting of Large File in Linux/Unix is done using split command. Check the example given below Using split command on a 600MB myImage.iso file. - prompt# split -b 200m image.iso image this command will generate three files, namely imageaa, imageab, imageac, of 200MB each. afterwards we can use the cat command to combine the three to get back the original file, the command goes as follows ... - prompt# cat imagea* > image. iso . Things Done the easy ways ...

Getting Back GRUB after installing Windows

Follow these Simple Steps to get back GRUB after installing Microsoft Windows ..... Step 1 : Boot Your Machine With any Linux Live CD. Step 2: After booting machine, Open the Terminal and type the following command. prompt$ sudo grub ( this will bring the grub prompt ) Step 3: Now type the following command. This command will find the partition on which GRUB is installed grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 ( output : (hd?,?) , here the hd? is hard-disk number, and ? is the partition name) Step 4: Now install the GRUB using the following command. grub> setup(hd?) (here the hd? is the information returned by the previous command) Step 5: Now Quit GRUB grub> quit Things done,, Now Reboot Yor machine ...